Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Hello, I am Denis DuckFat, aka DDF. You may remember me from such opinions as "Reggie Fils-Aime is worse for Nintendo than the N64" and "First Person Shooters are the dregs of video games." But today I am not here to share my vast knowledge or entertain you with a thought provoking censure of modern video games with a topic like "Why Rhythm Games are bad for the industry." Today, I am here to introduce my blog.

You see, It all started one day when i was watching CNN and I heard them rambling about the blogosphere. That was about 16 months ago. So I started researching what blogs were and for what reasons they were lent any credence. My conclusion? There are no reasons, which means all I need to do is spew out my points of view and be as condescending and arrogant about them as possible. Easy peasy.. So I start this blog because my opinions are much better than those of the majority of internets users, and therefore should be taken more seriously. My thoughts are credible now that I post on a blog.

Previously, all my proselytization efforts were focused on internets message boards. There I was often met with reisstance and ridicule, because my thoughts are too much for their puny brains to handle. This often resulted in forced absence from said message boards. Like pearls before swine, my wisdom was being trampled and covered in the mud of the pedestrian. No, these message boards wouldn't do at all.

From message boards, I took the good fight to blog comments. Blog comments are easy enough, right? And they were. I posted comments all the time on GameLife, a Wired blog. But I learned something. Blog commenters are not endowed with the same no-questions-asked credibility as blog posters. So simply being a commenter would not do. I had to become a full-fledged blogger.

I did make myself one promise before starting this blog; I won't hotlink every other word in my post like lots of the douchebag bloggers out there do. Seriously, do I need a link to the urban dictionary entry for douchebag in the last sentence? No, no I don't, and I'm not gonna do it. You're at an internet and you have access to Google when reading this. Use it.

I know you have lots of questions like, "DDF, are you going to talk about things other than video games?" The answer is yes. I talk about games and tv and movies and idiots on the internets who don't know common sense things. I would say the internet was the inspiration for that FOX piece of crap reality show "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader," but if it had been the internets, then it would have been titled "R U Smarter Then a 2nd Gradder." Zing! All further questions can be posted as comments and I will answer you if it's not a stupid question. If it is a stupid question, I'll probably just make fun of you.

hugs & kisses,

P.S. Be sure to view my profile to learn more about me.

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